For all your wedding needs

Our journey together usually lasts 1 year. We conquer one topic after the other without stress (sometimes even a few at the same time). We will prepare the way to the wedding for you with roses - without thorns. But with a lot of fun.

Please come from the point: Everything is possible!

During the preparations, we make sure that everything goes well at the right time and at the right pace with the best partners. This gives you the freedom to take care of your own personal wedding affairs. Work, friends, family, hobbies also want to be lived - or you can enjoy a happy holiday. The topic "our wedding" will still be omnipresent. And work will still happen in the meantime.

A happy time lies ahead of you. Crowned by the supreme discipline of festivities. Get fully involved - should you forget: I will gladly remind you.

Very Special: Our joint UpDates can - if desired and feasible - also take place at the weekends or in the evening.

facts & figures as a guideline

+ Accompanying and advising you in all aspects of your wedding for up to one year and up to 10 up-dates (in real, skype or zoom) and the resulting work.
+ Creation of the sequence concept including programme, direction and staging
+ Checked and negotiated suppliers and artist offers with alternatives to choose people who fit your needs
+ We coordinate talks, visits, tastings, etc., if possible, according to your preferred dates.
+ Direction & staging implementation
+ On the day of the wedding: At least 2 professional wedding planners for 7 hours, 1 wedding planner of which until 10:00 p.m.
+ Follow-up work, follow-up conversation

Basic package from € 3.880,- VAT incl. in Vienna/surrounding area

Can it cost more or less? YES. If you want a wedding for "just the 2 of us", the costs will be different than for a wedding with 400 people. After recording your wishes, I can tell you the exact cost of my services quickly and accurately.

Contact: +43 699 119 100 76 |
