Freie Trauung, Hochzeitsrednerin

Elisabeth Brandl,
Hochzeitsrednerin für eure freie Trauung

What comes from the heart will go to the heart.

A free wedding ceremony is not a substitute, not a stopgap solution for another wedding ceremony and certainly not a fad.
As a way of making the special, the unique, the wonderful of your love visible and audible, the free wedding ceremony is a very honest and sincere way of witnessing your YES to each other. You will feel it.

You can expect me to engage with you and your love story, to be familiar with the different options for a free wedding ceremony and to tailor my words very personally and exclusively to you. If you wish for cultural specifics, that is just as possible as integrating your loved ones into the ceremony.

You can be surrounded and carried by hundreds of guests - or enjoy the ceremony intimately just for you. The fact that I have also been established as a wedding planner for years and can rely on my experience has already turned out to be a real stroke of luck with many a ceremony.

For me, the ritual of a free wedding ceremony is a "sacred" and highly sensitive act that two people give to each other with a clear YES. A high level of sympathy with your wedding speaker is an important prerequisite.

To find out, I am happy to offer you the free initial consultation.

P.S. I owe my hairstyling to the wind on the beach in Samos.

facts & figures

This is what you can expect from me as a wedding speaker:

+ Joint discussion with determination of the wedding ritual and organisational matters

+ 1 hour preliminary talk with each of you exclusively, either in person, via zoom or skype.

+ Procurement of all utensils needed for the ritual

+ Wedding ceremony, wedding speech with all the "secrets" that you entrusted to me in our preliminary talks,

Costs: € 1.290,– VAT incl. + optional travel expenses
