Love Stories

Jede Hochzeit ist das Unikat aus zwei Menschen.
Ein großes Danke an die Paare, die mir erlauben, hier ihre persönliche Liebesgeschichte mit Dir teilen zu dürfen.
Nimm es als anregenden Spaziergang, wie unterschiedlich Hochzeit sein kann. Weit weg vom Einerlei aus Trends und „Must have“.

Was wohl in Eurer Love Story alles drinnen steckt? Gerne finde ich es gemeinsam mit Euch heraus.

YES – Very free in FlipFlops

Martina & Ben, aus Ulm 

Pure romance in a free wedding ceremony on the Greek island of Samos was perfect for the two sun worshippers.

The rings had been in the drawer for far too long. Corona sends her regards. It made sense to combine a few carefree days of holiday with this special celebration. Combining the good with the very good was the motto.

It was a pleasure for me to lead both the organisation and the free wedding ceremony as a wedding speaker.

Month: September
Wedding ceremony: Free wedding ceremony, Elisabeth Brandl. On the beach - intimate for two with the Aegean as witness
Ceremony & Gastronomy: Loukoulos, Marathokampos, Samos Island, Greece Photographer: Manolis Thravalos, Reeldrone, Samos
Cake: Flora of Loukoulos

It's raining happiness.

Petra & Dietmar

The two expatriate Austrians who ended up in Singapore wanted only one thing: no rice on their Viennese wedding table. Instead, they wanted lots of fragrant Kaiserschmarrn. And: rain - because the agape could then be held directly in the church. E voilà, that's how it was.

The guests come from all over Austria and many nations. There should be a solemn ceremony and a happy, free party afterwards. Yes, it should even remind them a little of their student days. And the children should feel good. The Ottakringer Brewery is the ideal place. But before that, the biggest wish was a photo shoot shortly before the wedding in the centre of Vienna. Weather forecast: heavy rain. Not for the faint-hearted.

Month: September
Wedding ceremony & Agape: Church "Zur Heiligen Familie", Neuottakring
Ceremony: Barley floor at the Ottakringer Brewery, Vienna
Special features: Photo shoot 2 hours before the wedding ceremony with a little dance in the Albertina and a small beer in the pub. Lively agape directly in the church. Guest train on foot from the church to the brewery, in the middle of Vienna. Finding the right mix of styles between the rustic brewery and the wedding: successful.
Photography: Csaba Vigh, Art Illustrated Studios
Floristry: The Flower Agency, Patrizia Diskus
Cake: Kaplan am Kurpark, Bad Tatzmannsdorf

More of everything

Chipo & Patrick, London

If a celebration deserves the expression Pure Joy of Life then this wedding is a good measure of it. The purple-orange-pink colour scheme alone was anything but ordinary. The 24 children and the relaxed multicultural wedding party really added colour to the imperial walls in Laxenburg. It was simply great.

Month: August
Wedding: Civil ceremony in the park of the Conference Center Laxenburg
Ceremony: In the park and in the ballroom of the Conference Center Laxenburg
Special features: Wedding guests from many different nations and cultures. Many adorable children, garden games, spontaneous dances and songs. A happy mix of many cultures, which found a dignified, broad frame in the classical Viennese style.
Photographer: Thomas "Mo" Moser
Floristry: Alexander Muhr Floriculture, 1010 Vienna

Celtic at the castle ruins

Christina & Georg

An extraordinary wedding, at the place of power of the lovers. On a ruined castle, which allowed us to creatively solve a number of logistical challenges. At the end: an unforgettable celebration, with many exuberant guests and a dream view over the Kremstal.

Month: August
Wedding ceremony: Celtic wedding ritual and church blessing in the open air.
Ceremony: Senftenberg castle ruins
Special features: Already the way to the castle ruins was an experience with original refreshment stations. From the minstrels to the Spansau on the big spit - there was always something going on. The Celtic wedding ritual and the Christian blessing got along just as well as the colourfulness of the guests, who enthusiastically dressed in "medieval garb".
Photography: Michael "Koala" Moravec
Floristry: Barbara Kugler, Vienna

Winter: to Vienna to get married

Amanda & Matt, UK

For Amanda & Matt, we gave wedding cards a whole new twist.

A joyful style mix of Viennese classicism, casual urbanity and many romantic moments was the result for the young couple and their British guests.

Month: November
Marriage ceremony: Vienna City Hall
Ceremony: Vinothek in the Augustinerkeller
Special features: Mulled wine agape at the Christkindlmarkt, tour with the vintage tram, apple strudel snack at Cafe Museum, midnight snack at Bitzinger's Würstelstand.
Photos: Bright light photography, Vienna
Floristry: Michael Strangl from NaturArt, Vienna

Vienna Classic – Queensize


Sarah & Stefan

From the beginning, the couple had very concrete ideas about how their wedding should "feel". Great importance was attached to details and the preparation time was relaxed over 2 years. From the Viennese Schmäh to the very deep contemplation for this extraordinary celebration of life, the arc was wide. It was a celebration for the families and many friends of the bride and groom.

Month: August
Wedding ceremony: Catholic Wedding Church St.Martin, Vienna Aspern
Ceremony: Kursalon im Stadtpark, Vienna
Specials: 2 years of preparation because of a very special date. Many happy children. Involvement of friends and family from the beginning.
Photography: Ulf Thausing
Floristry : Blumenstube Rath, Vienna
Make-up Artist : Sigrid Thaler, Vienna

Love of glass and gold

Waltraud & Markus

The gilder and the master glazier not only wanted to bring their professions into their wedding, but also their provinces: Styria and Vienna.

Month: July
Wedding ceremony: Civil ceremony in the Fresco Hall of Laudon Castle, Vienna
Ceremony: Wirtshaus am Mühlenbach, Laudon Castle area
Special features: Traditional costume wedding, lots of customs, original Viennese Heurigen musicians under the walnut tree
Photography: Rudolf Schmidt
Floristry: Michael Strangl, NaturArt, Vienna

Best regards to the Empress

Edit & Bernhard

A fairytale wedding like something out of a picture book was what this sympathetic couple wanted to seal their love. Stylish, but not stiff. With a lot of space, size and different places. The wedding ceremony under the open sky. É voilà. Empress Maria-Theresia's favourite castle is just right: the Festschloss Hof.

Month: August
Wedding ceremony: Civil wedding in the park of Festschloss Hof
Ceremony: Terrace and ballroom in the castle
Special feature: The preparations had to happen quickly in 4 exciting months. The guests from Hungary and Austria, who didn't even know each other beforehand, came together in a beautiful, joyful celebration. Statement of the maid of honour: "I feel as if I am sitting directly in a white punch doughnut".
Photography: Csaba Vigh, Art Illustrated Studios
Floristry: Blumenstube Rath, Vienna
Make-up: Elisabeth Schäfer, Vienna

Say YES to green

Sarah & Stefan , Renewal

You already know these two. Sarah fell so much in love with the wedding feeling that there was a free ceremony for their marriage renewal a year after their official wedding. A romantic renewal. This time in a geomantic, park-like garden.

Month: September
Wedding ceremony: Marriage vows free, ritual ceremony, Donati Garden in Pressbaum
Ceremony: Terrace and glasshouse of the Donati Garden
Special features: Ceremony amidst greenery, seasonal and regional. Organic specialities and olive oil tasting in the glass house, sweets and wedding cake on the terrace. Sarah was allowed to choose her own bridal bouquet on the spot. After all, the location belongs to one of Vienna's best florists.
Photos: Das Fotomobilstudio, Michael Rupp Floristry: Donati, Vienna
Cake&sweets: Himmelrosa, Sandra Langmann
Make-up Artist: Sigrid Thaler, Vienna


Star Wedding for Two

Sandra & Jan, D

The German couple had a special wish: a wedding all to themselves. Just the two of them. They had their family with them: as framed photographs. With this entourage they went on tour from highlight to highlight through Vienna. To get married, eat, nibble, shop, enjoy. At each location, relatives were present in the frame - a totally relaxed mishmash of wedding-sightseeing-photoshooting. The dreamlike day found a romantic end in a "white house" with a wildly romantic garden, where a private cook was waiting for them with a wedding dinner. Stars as a symbol accompanied everything.

Special features: The "tour" had to be planned very precisely so that it was neither stressful nor boring. From the Prater, Hotel Sacher, Hofreitschule, deserted ballroom. The chandelier for the set table in the garden of the white house was unceremoniously dismantled from my office. The wedding ceremony was audiovisually recorded and presented to friends and family with all the photos at a party a year later.

Month: June
Wedding ceremony: Civil ceremony at the Kuffner Observatory, Vienna
Photography: Starlight Photography
Decoration, Floristry: The Flower Agency, Patrizia Diskus

Hops, malt and lots of love

Regina & Michael

Beer culture brought the couple together and was also allowed to be a common thread throughout the wedding event.

The result was a wedding celebration that was traditionally Viennese, earthy and yet noble and festive.

Month: July
Wedding: Church wedding Franziskanerkirche, Vienna
Photography: Henry Welisch
Floristry: Blumen Rath, Vienna
Make-up Artist: Sigrid Thaler, Vienna


Just the Two of us – and Mozart

Tara & Fred, USA

"Beethoven's Ode to Joy is Fred's favourite music". Tara surprised her husband Fred with this. He didn't know that she was going to give him her 20th wedding anniversary vows in a ceremony during their stay in Vienna.

The surprise was to take place in a private atmosphere at a venue in historic Vienna. The Sala Terrena in the Deutschordenshaus was W.A.Mozart's first concert appearance in Vienna - perfect for the music-loving couple. We pulled the strings in the background so that the two could devote themselves fully to their 20-year shared love story. It was beautiful enough to make you cry.

For the feast, the "Black Camel" has come up with a fine, special menu.

Month: December
Ceremony: Sala Terrena in the Deutschordenshaus, Vienna
Dinner: Black Camel

Welche Love-Story darf ich für euch umsetzen?
